I recently watched ‘The Whale Song’ developed by M&C Saatchi Sydney for Telecommunications Company Optus in Australia after a friend posted the link on Facebook.
This ad has stuck in my mind as it offers so much. It is a ‘feel good’ ad with a simple key message spoken through sound and imagery. The metaphor plays with the viewer’s emotions and is far more profound than if written in words. It draws the viewer in appealing to our sense of sound and the element of surprise is fantastically implemented, leaving us curious enough to want to engage with the ad.
It fits perfectly with the brand’s identity and characterisation through animals. Most of all it truly creatively demonstrates its key message through actions: ‘in communication anything is possible’ instilling trust as the process seems so natural. It glorifies communication far beyond the simple mobile telephone call and leaves me in awe that a telecommunications company can have created such a unique brand identity.
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Pretty cool ad! Love it!!! :)