Sunday, 8 September 2013

Drowning in Social media- Keeping the Online "You" Clean. It's a stalker's world after all.

Keeping up with your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Blogger, Vizify accounts...

So you want to find out where someone lives, what their interests are, where they have been on holidays, their grades at school, their job, what movies they have watched? It really is a stalker's world after all.

There are so many platforms that allow you to express yourself to "the world" but really you don't know who these messages will meet. As a new grad of course I signed up to Linkedin and Vizify. Even more importantly for the "creative" jobs I made sure to keep up to date with social media on Twitter, Blogger. But when is enough enough? It is hard to keep track of everything that can  be found about you on the web.

More importantly, I have come across websites that track you online and create profiles from amalgamating pictures from your Facebook, your Linkedin and information about you found on search engines. You actually have to "sign out" or request to not be featured on these sites. I was surprised to find a profile of me on one of these sites, where I had followers yet I had never created a page, so I did a bit of research and found out- indeed I needed to email the company to request that my "automatically generated" profile be deleted. When you have to keep a clean online Web self- really there is no hiding, it is not only about what you post but what everyone else does too.


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